• Do you know your success factors? Do you know how others perceive you?

    Find the answers in our HoriZonte Success-Factors Test! – FREE!

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HoriZonte – Success-Factor Test              Free!

Your success factors and how others perceive you.

Who am I? What can I do? How do others perceive me?

The comprehensive success-factor test, so that you can use your strengths more effectively!

Knowing your own success factors and strengths is important, however, very few people are fully aware of them.

Imagine how much more successful you can be if you know the success factors of your unique personality, your strengths and how you are perceived by others.

Find the answers with our success-factor test!

The advantages of the test for you:

Tick Green Boldprofessionally substantiated results with the use of a scientifically proven test

Tick Green Boldfree of charge and without obligation for you

Tick Green BoldImmediate result at the end of the test

Tick Green Boldand an e-mail of your test results sent directly to you

After this you can:

Tick Green Bolduse your strengths more effectively

Tick Green Boldrely more strongly on your success factors

Tick Green Bolduse your charisma more consciously

Register and get started!


In a free initial telephone conversation (up to 30 minutes) we will identify your needs and how we can best support you!
I look forward to your call!




Logo zertifizierte Coach des Deutscher Fachverband Coaching (DFC)

Dr. Heidi Zinser, Zertifizierter Personal- und Business-Coach, Psychologische Beraterin, Deutscher Fachverband Coaching (DFC)

Sinn-orientierte Beratung

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Zertifizierter Studien-, Berufs- und Karriere-Coach

Logo Zertifizierte Beruf und Karriere Coach

Coaching von Führungspersonen

Dr. Heidi Zinser, EUPPA Certified Practitioner of Positive Psychology

Mitglied im Deutschen Verband für Bildungs- und Berufsberatung e.V.

Deutsche Verband für Bildungs- und Berufsberatung

Deutscher Verband für Bildungs- und Berufsberatung

Mitglied im Deutschen Fachverband Coaching (DFC)

DFC Logo

Horizonte Bildungs- und Studienberatung | Personal- und Business-Coaching
Dr. Heidi Zinser

Robert-Gradmann-Straße 6
91054 Erlangen

Tel.: +49 (0)9131 50 23 30
Mobil: +49 (0)160 84 44 500

Email: info@horizonte.info

Mo.- Fr.: 8:30 – 18:00


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